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Spinning Babies


Spinning Babies asks a new question, “Where is baby?” 

Learn fresh solutions for pain in labor, long and/or posterior labors, or dystocia.

Learn why we believe baby’s position reflects the space available. Suddenly the way we’ve been aiding progress turns on its head. Address pelvic muscles with muscle stretch, and myofascial techniques. It’s as simple as “making room for baby.”

We soon realize fetal positioning is only a clue of what is needed and perhaps not the originating cause of a long and complicated labor.

Bring birth back to ease. Enter the new paradigm of birth that is Spinning Babies.

Workshop introduces you to the Spinning Babies premise. Rearrange “what you know” and learn the next level. Use your wisdom better. Techniques based on soft tissue anatomy like no other birth workshop. You will be able to identify and help pregnant and birthing women with a new approach to comfort, pain relief, fetal positioning, and labor progress.

Topics discussed included:

  • A new premise for childbirth ease and labor progress for the experienced provider
  • Exploration of the role of “Soft Tissues” in pregnancy, labor, and fetal position (muscles, ligaments, connective tissue)
  • Common effects of posterior position on pregnancy and labor
  • Fetal Positioning and labor progress with the 3 Principles of Balance, Gravity and Movement
  • Resolving the stalled labor through the Three Levels Of The Pelvis; pelvic mobility and soft tissues release.
  • Practice activities for pregnancy comfort, spontaneous birth as nature intended, and cesarean avoidance.
  • Identifying a stall in labor via labor pattern and being able to match the technique is a part of the workshop.


Objectives for Spinning Babies

After this workshop, the learner will be able to (and is measurable will show):

  • Replicates fetal movement of rotation and descent through the pelvic floor and in a gynecoid pelvis.

  • Describes current literature on obstetrical issues with Occiput Posterior Presentation.

  • Describe how uterosacral ligaments may influence fetal position.

  • Design a pregnancy protocol (activity routine) for all pregnant women to…

  • List 2 contraindications for inversion in pregnancy.

  • Demonstrates the Sidelying Release to temporarily lengthen (soften) pelvic muscles.

  • Differentiates a progressing from a non-progressing labor…

  • Matches a maternal position to increase each diameter of the pelvis (inlet, mid, outlet).

  • Demonstrates an anterior and a posterior pelvic tilt for opening pelvic inlet and outlet.

  • Select the rotation techniques from a list of common comfort measures.

  • Explains a true indication of CephaloPelvic Disproportion…

  • Compares Spinning Babies’ “Balance before force” paradigm to the “3Ps”.


This will be the first Spinning Babies® Workshop in Turkey and please contact bilgi@dogumakademisi.com to reserve your seat.


Who can participate?

  • This workshop is for midwives, nurses, doulas and birth workers. Also,yoga teachers, body workers.
  • Certification of Attendance is not a certification in Spinning Babies®.



Gail Tully, CPM

 Gail Tully, BS. CPM, CD(DONA) DONA Gail is the creator of Spinning Babies and a Certified Professional Midwife. She had a small homebirth practice in Minnesota and was a doula trainer (DONA approved), doula program coordinator and consultant. Past community work has involved promoting doula care through the founding of the Childbirth Collective, now one of our nation’s largest doula network groups. She has also consulted and trained with several local doula programs including colleges, hospitals and social service agencies.

Gail developed the Spinning Babies concept in the year 1999 and began the website, www.SpinningBabies.com in 2002. Gail formed Maternity House Publishing for her booklets and DVDs. She is a wife, mother and grandmother, enjoying writing, walking and rocking grandbabies! Gail is published in Midwifery Today and The International Doula.

Gail is cited on shoulder dystocia in Holistic Midwifery Vol. II and published in Midwifery Today, Summer 2003. “Belly Mapping; Using Kicks and Wiggles to Predict Posterior Labor” appeared in International Doula Volume Number 2004. Articles on Belly Mapping for midwives and Opening the Brim appeared in Midwifery Today Winter 2011 and Spring 2011, and Breech in 2013. 2016. She has presented to DONA, Lamaze, MANA and ICAN’s national conferences; ACNM and other state midwifery conferences and international breech and midwifery conferences.


Instructor : Gail Tully

Date: 3rd of June, 2018 Sunday

Time : 10:00 - 18:00

Location : İstanbul Birth Academy, Nisantasi, İstanbul 

0850 3332239 (10.00 -18.00)

Valikonağı Cad. Sezai Selek Sok. Nevide Apt. No:22/4 Nişantaşı / İstanbul

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