Uluslararası Erasmus Plus First Touch Projesi Tüm Haberler
Uluslararası Erasmus Plus First Touch Projesi


İl Sağlık Müdürlüğümüz tarafından hazırlanan ve Türkiye Ulusal Ajansı’na sunulan 2018 yılı AB Projesi Ana Eylem 2 Yenilik Geliştirme ve İyi Uygulama Değişimi İçin İşbirliği ( KA2) altında yer alan Stratejik Ortaklık Projeleri 2018-1-TR01-KA202-059488 sözleşme numaralı mesleki eğitim projemiz 123.090 Euro hibe desteği almaya hak kazanmıştır.

Proje 36 ay sürmüş olup, ebelik mesleğinin eğitimine yönelik yenilik geliştirme, doğuma hazırlık eğitim programlarını geliştirme üzerine kurulmuş uluslararası işbirliğine dayanmaktadır. Proje ortakları Almanya İnternational Society for Pre and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine (ISPPM), Yunanistan Greek Doula Assosciation ve İstanbul Doğum Akademisi'dir.

Projemiz faaliyetleri arasında 1 açılış toplantısı, 6 ulusötesi toplantısı, 1 kapanış toplantısı, 3 ulusötesi workshop, 7 makale planlanmıştır.

Açılış toplantısı, 3. ulus ötesi toplantısı ve 2 workshop hareketlilikleri yüz yüze gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ancak 2020 Mart ayından itibaren artan Covid-19 a bağlı yurt dışı uçuşların iptal edilmesi nedeni ile 3. Ulus ötesi toplantı yapılamamış, 1 workshop programı online yapılmış, kapanış toplantısı da online organize edilmiştir.

Proje web sayfası : https://projectfirsttouch.blogspot.com

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Proje sonuç raporunu için tıklayınız.




Our vocational education project 2018-1-TR01-KA202-059488 contract number 123.090, prepared by the Kayseri Provincial Directorate of Health and submitted to the Strategic Partnership Projects of the Cooperation for Innovation Development and Good Practice Exchange (KA2) of the EU Project of the National Agency of Turkey in 2018, has been eligible for grant support. 

The project has lasted for 36 months and is based on international cooperation based on the development of innovations, the development of training programs for the preparation for childbirth, aimed at training the midwifery profession.
The project partners are the German International Society for Pre and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine (ISPPM), the Greek Doula Association of Greece and the Istanbul Birth Academy. 

Among the activities of our project, 1 opening meeting, 6 transnational meetings, 1 closing meeting, 3 transnational workshops, 7 articles dec planned.
The opening meeting, 3 transnational meetings and 2 workshop activities were held face to face. However, due to the cancellation of international flights due to Covid-19, which has increased since March 2020, 3 Transnational meetings could not be held, 1 workshop program was held online, and the closing meeting was organized online. 

Projects are quite valuable for correcting a problem or developing another perspective on the problem. We would like to thank the National Agency of Turkey, our project partners Istanbul Academy of Obstetrics, International Society for Pre and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine and Greek Doula Association for their contributions and support to the project. 

Maternal and child health is one of the most important health indicators in the whole world and also occupies an important place among sustainable development goals. It is valuable for us that special efforts are being made to improve maternal and infant health all over the world, and that maternal and infant health studies are continuing in the process of an important public health problem affecting normal life, such as the pandemic. We are very happy to contribute to the literature with the trainings and articles included in our activities. 

We are continuing to work on participating in new projects. 

Assoc. Dr. Ali Ramazan BENLİ Kayseri Provincial Health Director 


We are happy to complete your project in a healthy and successful way. 

No project can be successful with the efforts of a single person. We are proud to have met and worked with a large number of academicians, experts, mothers and baby lovers on this project. 

Thanks to; 

To the National Agency of Turkey; Assoc. Prof. Ali Ramazan Benli, Dr. Ahmet Ceylan, Dr. Selma Durmus Sarikahya, Beyhan Soysal and Elcin Ozer, who are part of the project team of Kayseri Provincial Health Director; Dr.Hakan Coker and Neşe Karabekir from the Istanbul Birth Academy; Prof. Dr. Amara Renate Eckert, Dr. Alin Cotiga and Johanna Schacht from the İnternational Society for Pre and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine; Maria Andreoulaki, Dr. Evangelia Philippaki and Maria Fertaki from the Greek Doula Association, in addition, for the support and cooperation they provide to all professionals involved in workshop trainings, 

"To the Midwifery Education Research and Development (EBEARGE) Association and to the academic members of the association Assoc. Prof. Hafize Öztürk Can, Dr. Nursen Bolsoy, Dr. Selda İldan Çalım, Dr. Bihter Akın, Dr. Hülya Türkmen, Dr. Yeliz Çakır Koçak from the Ege University and Adnan Menderes University. 

In addition, Saadet Gonca Mavi Aydoğdu from Amasya University, who supported the survey preparation process, to the academicians who are experts in the field who help with expert opinions,
Thanks to Olga Gouni for her project experience and recommendations,
With the hope that the 'First Touch Project', completed with the cooperation and joint purpose of project teams from Turkey, Germany and Greece, will contribute to the scientific literature. 

Emel GÜDEN Project Coordinator 

Project web site: https://projectfirsttouch.blogspot.com

Project general information 

Project final report

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